Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ball Pit

Ball pits are awesome. Anyone who disagrees probably had a miserable childhood. No one should be deprived of amazing experiences like swimming in giant pools of brightly colored balls, sinking into their beautiful, shiny embrace in a state of blissful joy as other children giggle with glee around them. Parents would stand by in awe that such an amazingly simple concept, a pit with balls in it, could provide such an immense amount of entertainment for their small ones as they pegged balls at each other's faces and buried themselves in the rainbow of germs and bodily smears.

I have decided I want one.

I don't think this is a particularly impractical idea. After getting this idea in my head, I did what I do with most everything else and went directly to Google. It turns out there is even a calculator for calculating exactly how many balls you will need to fill a pit and the approximate cost. Turns out a ball pit is more expensive than I anticipated, but definitely in the realistic range. The calculator can be found here:

Imagine a living room with a ball pit instead of a couch. The possibilities push my mind to the verge of exploding. Beer pong could be taken to an entirely new level. Balls could be thrown at people's faces for absolutely no reason. Cats could be buried in it. Not only could you have the entertaining childish experiences, but being an adult in a ball pit means you can also pursue more grown up endeavors if you were to find a willing partner.

Clearly this needs to happen.

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